Systems Analysis - 2013

Topics in the course:

  • The world of the modern systems analyst
  • The Systems Development Life Cycle
  • Information gathering methods
  • Events and Use Cases
  • Use Case Modelling
  • System Sequence Diagrams
  • Object-oriented Concepts
  • Identifying Problem Domain Classes
  • UML Class Diagrams
  • Identifying Object Behaviour — the Statechart Diagram

Assignments include:

  • Defining the problems in an organisation
  • Defining the problems separating the symptoms from the core problem
  • Set down the objectives of the project
  • Provide the rationale behind the scope and objectives
  • Prepare a strategy for gathering user requirements for the new system including a: stakeholder's analysis for the case study using the material provided
  • Identifying and diagram system components for the organisation 
  • Clearly stating the method/s of information gathering requirements
  • Show which particular pieces of information led you to your conclusions
  • Prepare an event table
  • Identifying the events and their nature (temporal, system etc)
  • Identifying the triggers for each event
  • Identifying the possible outcome for each event
  • Identifying the use cases in the system and relate the events to the use cases
  • Identifying the actors and sources for each use case
  • Preparing activity diagrams for each identified use case
  • Preparing a detailed and well-structured report
  • Maintain a personal journal.
  • Identifying actors and use cases for the system 
  • Using the case tool software or diagram creation tool, prepare use case diagrams for the identified use cases
  • Describe the relationships between use cases 
  • Provide a brief description for each use case included in the diagrams, and where appropriate, indicate which other use case it extends.
  • Provide a full description for one use case of your choice
  • Perform decomposition of the use case using a system sequence diagram
  • Identify domain classes and their responsibilities and collaborators
  • Prepare a CRUD matrix
  • Perform association analysis
  • Identify the associations, super/subclasses and aggregation/composition involved in the system 
  • Use the case tool software or diagram creation tool to illustrate solutions
  • Identify attributes and methods for classes by analysing use cases and other UML diagrams
  • Prepare a complete UML class diagram of the organisations system
  • Prepare a report for senior management definning recommendations for the organisations system
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